Episode #44 - Thorsten "Toddy" Waelde - Project Utopia & The Caves of Sardinia

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I catch up again with Toddy and we talk all things caves in Sardinia. We then go deep into his staggering cave exploration Project Utopia where Toddy is set to break cave exploration distance records while employing cutting edge decompression strategies to accomplish these amazing dives. Listen in to hear how Toddy is doing this and also how he is helping to develop the next generation of Cave Explorers at Protec Sardinia.

#XDEEP, #SupramonteKarstExplorationProject #ProtecSardinia #ProjectUtopia #cavediving

Episode #43 - Turning the Tables - Steve Davis with Audrey Cudel

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP and Shearwater Research, we "turn the tables" and Audrey Cudel interviews me!

We talk about, my vision when I started Speaking Sidemount, how I develop episodes and find interview guests, how my own knowledge has grown through the interviews.

We discuss the diving here in NZ and the sidemount training courses that I run. We cover my experience training on the KISS Sidewinder with Edd Sorenson, and plans for future CCR diving, diving the XDEEP Stealth 2.0 Tec with the Sidewinder, and we finish with my thoughts on the current state of sidemount diving.

#XDEEP #Shearwaterresearch #sidemountdiving #cavediving #sidemountccr #KISSSidewinder #Sidemountpros #Stevedavis #audreycudel 

Episode #42 - Chris Dawson - Dive Against Depression

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I catch up with Chris Dawson to discuss his experiences dealing with PTSD and depression following two operational tours in Iraq with the British Army.

In this inspiring story, Chris shares his journey from rock-bottom to recovery through diving and how he has become involved with the organisation, 'Dive Against Depression' where he is working to help others affected by mental health issues.

Chris and I also discuss sidemount diving, cave diving, and our recent transition to diving sidemount CCR.

Sponsor XDEEP - https://www.xdeep.eu

Dive Against Depression - https://www.facebook.com/diveagainstdepression/

Image Credit & Thanks to Cory Kerr - https://www.facebook.com/corykerrdiving/

#xdeep #ptsd #depression #mentalhealth #diveagainstdepression #sidemountdiving #cavediving #sidemountccr #sidemountpros

Episode #41 - Richard Harris - Against All Odds: The Thai Cave Rescue

This is the first-hand account of the experiences of Richard "Harry" Harris during the Thai cave rescue. His excitement at the opportunity to participate was quickly replaced by the trepidation of what the rescue team faced. There was little hope that they would be successful and they almost certainly would witness the deaths of the 12 boys and their coach. But they had to try.

 This account focuses on the events and also on the diving aspects of the rescue. How they actually accomplished the dives, the equipment they used the conditions they faced the skills sets, what went well and the near misses that occurred.

All this and much more...

Sponsor: XDEEP - https://www.xdeep.eu/

Against All Odds - Craig Challen & Richard Harris

Amazon US - https://amzn.to/35iIzko

Amazon AU - https://amzn.to/2XsHOT2

Penguin NZ - https://bit.ly/2OruvhB

#XDEEP #Sidemountpros #sidemountdiving #cavediving #Caveccr #sidemountccr #Thaicaverescue #Richard Harris #Againstallodds

Episode #40 - Edd Sorenson on KISS Sidewinder CCR Training

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP and Shearwater Research, I sit down with Edd Sorenson and discuss my experiences training and diving with him on the KISS Sidewinder mCCR.

I spent a brilliant two weeks with Edd at Cave Adventurers, Marianna, Florida so we had much to discuss and cover:

  • Sidemount vs. Backmount CCR

  • Why a sidemount CCR can be your first choice

  • Myths and reality re the KISS Sidewinder

  • My experiences with the KISS Sidewinder and how they aligned with my expectations

  • How we progressively planned and built our dives post-course

  • Combining the Shearwater NERD 2 with the KISS Sidewinder

All this and much more...

Course Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3bKNmXERKQ


XDEEP - https://www.xdeep.eu/

Shearwater Research - https://www.shearwater.com/

#XDEEP #Shearwater #KISSCCR #KISSsidewinder #Sidemountpros #Caveadventurers #EddSorenson #sidemountdiving #cavediving #Caveccr

Episode #39 - Gareth Lock on Human Factors in Diving

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I catch up with Gareth Lock of "The Human Diver" and author of the book "Under Pressure".

We discuss Gareth's application of human factors principles taken from the aviation industry in diving and their subsequent benefit in supporting dive safety. While not a specific sidemount episode, this is important for all divers and particularly those involved in technical diving.

Sponsor: XDEEP - www.xdeep.eu

The Human Diver - www.thehumandiver.com

Episode #38 - Stratis Kas on Sidemount Videography & Cave Diving

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I interview Greek cave diver and instructor, Stratis Kas. Stratis is a professional fashion photographer and videographer who successfully combines his profession with his passion for sidemount and cave diving.

He is a super cool guy and I really enjoyed his perspectives on sidemount, cave diving, videography, and learned heaps about the caves of Greece.

#XDEEP #sidemountdiving #shearwater #cavediving #Sidemountpros #stevedavis #stratiskas #Intothewildadventures #Infiniteliquid #Somosloscentoes

Episode #37 Richard "Harry" Harris - Being an Explorer

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I catch up with Richard "Harry" Harris. A key member of the Thai Cave Rescue, Australian of the Year and cave explorer, Harry is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. 

Harry and I discuss, how he got into diving, cave diving and exploration, the connection between anesthesiology and diving, how the cave exploration group... The "Wet Mules" was formed... Harry shares on his experiences diving to over 220m in Pearse Resurgence,

his partnership with Craig Challen, how being named joint Australian of the Year has affected his life, and how he is using this platform to promote outdoor and adventure pursuits to our kids... All this and much more in this episode of Speaking Sidemount.

#XDEEP #sidemountdiving #sidemountpros #stevedavis #richardharris #cavediving #shearwater

Episode #36 - Somos Los Cenotes featuring Phillip Lehman, Natalie Gibb & Vincent Rouquet-caltha

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Recently a group of dedicated cave explorers and instructors from the Yucatan created an awareness campaign to highlight uncontrolled development of the Muyil region, south of Tulum, Mexico.

Somos Los Cenotes... "We are the Cenotes" is the campaign and we invite your support by sharing as much of our and your own content as you can with the hashtag #somosloscenotes.

In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I interview Phillip Lehman, Natalie Gibb, and Vincent Rouquet-caltha and we discuss the caves of the Muyil region, the issues with development, why the caves are worth supporting, why you should dive them, and what you can do to support. In addition, Phillip shares more on the KISS Sidewinder sidemount CCR, and Vince and I discuss his background and work in Yucatan, Mexico.

#somosloscenotes #XDEEP #underthejungle #DRSS #sidemountpros

Episode #35 Steve Lewis on Improving Sidemount Diving & Instruction

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Steve Lewis is an absolute industry veteran and a passionate sidemount, CCR and cave diver. He has been at the forefront of instructor training since the early 90s working with TDI right from its formation and more recently becoming the Director Diver Training for RAID.

 Steve is an author, a member of the Explorers Club and as we'll learn, he led the early exploration of the Bell Island Mine in Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada.


In this episode Steve and I discuss his background, his experiences as an instructor trainer, we talk about diving the mine and shipwrecks at Bell Island. We discuss why we love sidemount diving and then the issues we see with sidemount diving and instruction and how these issues might be solved… all this and much more in this episode of speaking sidemount.



Sidemount Fundamentals eBook - https://www.sidemountpros.com/store

Episode #34 - Marissa Eckert & James Draker on Sidemount Cave Diving

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Marissa Eckert and James Draker are the owners of Hidden Worlds, Fort White Florida and extraordinary sidemount/cave divers and instructors. In this episode, they share their passion for cave diving and instructing and their love of dive travel.

We talk about their backgrounds, philosophies around teaching sidemount and cave diving, why it is important to streamline stages, deco cylinders and bailout, and about their recent dive travel to Abaco in the Bahamas, Mexico, Little Cayman and Orda Cave in Russia... plus we talk sidemount rebreathers and much more... 


Hidden Worlds - https://www.dive-caves.com/

Sidemount Fundamentals eBook - https://www.sidemountpros.com/store

Truk 2020 - https://www.sidemountpros.com/calendar

Episode #33 Cristina Zenato - Shark Conservation & Cave Diving

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Cristina Zenato has dedicated her life to the protection and conservation of Caribbean Reef Sharks. From her home in the Bahamas, she has spent over 25 years interacting and learning about these amazing animals, to the point where she has real relationships with individual sharks demonstrated by their interactions with her in the water.

 Cristina is world renown for her work with Sharks but she is also a Sidemount and Cave Instructor and a dedicated explorer of the caves of the Bahamas.

 In this week's episode we meet and talk about Cristina's work with Sharks, we share our perspectives on why they are so misunderstood, about what we can do to educate others on sharks, about the issues with and value of shark feeding and shark tourism, and then we talk cave exploration on Grand Bahama Island, about Cristina's use of the KISS Sidewinder CCR, and what I can expect, when I head to Florida to train with Edd Sorenson later this year... All this and much more in this episode.


Sidemount Fundamentals eBook - https://www.sidemountpros.com/store

Cristina Zenato - https://cristinazenato.com

KISS Rebreathers - https://www.kissrebreathers.com/

Episode #32 Becky Kagan Schott on Photography & Sidemount CCR

Finally... in this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I got the chance to meet one of the world's great photographers... Becky Kagan Schott.

We had a great time discussing; how Becky got into diving and photography, about Liquid Productions and their award winning features. We discuss diving the wrecks of the Great Lakes in North America, what it takes to be a great photographer or videographer, some tips from Becky on how to improve your images and then we learn of Becky's use of OC sidemount and her recent transition to sidemount CCR.

Episode #31 Yvonne Press on Open Water Sidemount Diving

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This episode is very close to my heart!! Thanks to our sponsor XDEEP.

I had the great pleasure to catch up with Yvonne Press an awesome sidemount and tech diving instructor based in Bali, Indonesia.

We had a great time discussing; sidemount for open water dives, what it takes to be a good sidemount diver, how she teaches sidemount, CCR and sidemount CCR, and much more...

Episode #30 Tom Steiner on Teaching Sidemount Diving

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In this episode, I speak with Tom Steiner of Gozo Technical Diving. I was fortunate to get to know Tom very well during my two seasons training and working at Gozo Technical. Tom is an instructor trainer for a number of agencies and an absolute consummate instructor and diver both in sidemount and backmount diving.

In this episode, Tom and I discuss his background in diving, how he got into sidemount diving, his work supporting deep diving world record attempts, he is an absolute decompression diving expert... so I get his thoughts on decompression diving, I asked him how to establish a world class destination tech diving centre, his approach to training divers, and we discuss Truk 2020 with Pete Mesley's Lust4Rust...

Featured in this episode:


Truk 2020 - https://www.sidemountpros.com/calendar

Episode #29 - Cave Rescues & Recoveries with Edd Sorenson

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I speak with cave diving legend, Edd Sorenson. In addition, to his exploration of the caves of the Florida Panhandle, Edd was one of the original members of the International Underwater Cave Rescue and Recovery team. He has been involved in several successful cave rescues and sadly a number of cave recoveries. In particular Edd is renown as having the temperament and skill set to be able to undertake cave recoveries that are at the very limits of what is possible.

In this episode we'll learn more about Edd's background in diving, what it takes to make a successful cave rescue, the skill sets that he employs to undertake recoveries that are beyond the scope or ability of other cave rescue teams and then we go into some detail regarding the recent recovery of the two divers who perished in the caves of the Dominican Republic.

A word of warning... Edd goes into detail as he describes the recovery. If you have been affected by this loss or the loss of a friend or loved one in similar circumstances, you may wish to skip this section of the podcast which is between 10:15 - 18.15

We also talk about the KISS Sidewinder Rebreather, about Edd's approach to CCR, cave and DPV training and lastly, we discuss the importance of fitness for divers... and much more!

Featured in this episode:




Episode #28 - Wrecks & Caves of Sri Lanka with Dharshana Jayawardena

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In this episode sponsored by XDEEP, I catch up with Dharshana Jayawardena or DJ. DJ is a pioneering underwater explorer in Sri Lanka. In addition to being an author, he is the founder of DiveSriLanka.com and is also a field editor for Asian Diver magazine. DJ has identified the origins of several mystery wrecks; among them the World War I SS Worcestershire and a World War II Catalina patrol bomber. Recently he has ventured into cave diving and discovered Sri Lanka’s first major underwater cave system among its scenic mountains.

In this episode DJ and I talk about his background in diving and sidemount, his exploration of Sri Lanka's many shipwrecks, his recent cave exploration project in the Sri Lankan mountains and his upcoming presentation on shipwreck exploration at ADEX Singapore, and much more...

Featured in this episode:

Sponsor - XDEEP https://www.xdeep.eu/ 


The Canterbury Wreck - A Diver's Guide

Sidemount Pros YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com/sidemountpros

Episode #27 - Sidemount Essentials with Matteo Varenna

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In this episode, I catch up with Matteo Varenna. Matteo is a terrific sidemount diver and instructor and a great guy as well.

In this episode we go deep into:

  • his background in diving and sidemount

  • what is wrong with Sidemount Specialty Instructor training and how this can be fixed

  • why he decided to become a Sidemount Essentials instructor

  • the importance of video feedback in dive courses

  • the problems with social media and forums

  • his XDEEP presentations on set up and fixing issues

and much more...

Featured in this episode:

Sponsor - XDEEP https://www.xdeep.eu/ 

Sidemount Essentials Training - https://www.sidemounting.com/in-water-training/

Sidemount Fundamentals eBook - https://goo.gl/Davqc1

Episode #26 - Expedition Bjurälven with Micke Tilja

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In this week's episode kindly sponsored by XDEEP, I interview Micke Tilja of Expedition Bjurälven, a project now in its 12th year undertaken by a team of awesome divers and support crew who brave the height of the Swedish winter exploring the Bjurälven cave system in the Swedish mountains.

Micke and I go deep into:

  • his background in diving and sidemount

  • how Expedition Bjurälven came about

  • the equipment they use

  • the skill-sets required to dive in these conditions

  • what they have discovered so far, and

  • what they hope to achieve this year and beyond

  • Plus we talk Baltic wreck diving and about Micke's Podcast

and much more...

Featured in this episode:

XDEEP - https://www.xdeep.eu 

Expedition Bjurälven - https://www.facebook.com/ExpeditionBjuralven

 Divers Community Scandinavia - https://www.dykarna.nu 

Episode #25 - British Cave Diving & the CDG with Michael Thomas

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When it comes to the history of sidemount diving, all roads lead back to the UK and the sump divers of the Cave Diving Group or CDG. The CDG gained world-wide attention and recognition following their stellar contribution to the Thai Cave rescue.

In this week's episode kindly sponsored by XDEEP, I interview Michael Thomas. Mike is the Training Officer for the Somerset Section of the Cave Diving Group (CDG) and a TDI Sidemount and Cave Instructor.

Mike and I go deep into:

  • his background in diving

  • the CDG, their approach to cave diving, training and equipment

  • the differences between cave, mine and wreck diving

  • the KISS Sidewinder rebreather

  • Mike's recent discovery of Roman artifacts in Wookey Hole

and much more...

Featured in this episode:

XDEEP - https://www.xdeep.eu/

CDG - https://cavedivinggroup.org.uk/

Michael Thomas Diving - www.facebook.com/michaelthomasdiving/