Our Philosophy

At Sidemount Pros, we are not interested in just churning out certifications. Our objective on all courses is to help you become a better diver. In doing this, we will devote ourselves to taking you from where you are and working on your foundations of correct equipment configuration, proper weighting, buoyancy control and trim. Once these foundations are bedded in, it is far easier to layer on skill development and progressions.


Based on the philosophy above, your course fees are for us to train you and help you progress; not for certification. If for whatever reason, you cannot meet the minimum standards for the course you will not be certified. In this circumstance you will be provided with the reasons, areas to remediate and suggestions for additional training (if required) before attempting certification again.

Your Guarantee

It is vital that we form a positive instructor/student relationship. In the event that after the first day of training you do not feel there is the correct fit, you may inform your instructor of your intention to withdraw from the course and you will receive a full refund of your fees paid to Sidemount Pros.